Trusting Jesus That is All by J. Smith The month of June has come and gone quite quickly. At Olivet it began with our 60th annual homecoming celebration. That day Olivet had Michael Wayne Smith back in concert, and our guest speaker was Mr. Jim Waters, Mission Director from the Santa Rosa Baptist Association. The turn out was very good, and the two remaining charter members, Nellina Larson and Charles Jarvis, were in attendance. Following that occasion, Bro. Chip Fox represented Olivet at the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, IN. When he came back, he gave a report about what the convention discussed in various issues- some that made the headlines such as topics regarding women pastors and IVF. June being the kick off of Summer has been duly noted here at Olivet. Prior to homecoming one of the sanctuary air conditioning units was replaced. Sadly, a week or so after homecoming the second needed replacing, and so it was done. Now the a/c units in the sanctuary are fully operational, and hoping we could just maintain the others around the property for a while longer. In the June business meeting, it was addressed that there as been a downturn in giving since April. Bro. Chip has asked the Treasurer to look into trends as to what may be leading to these events. But for the time being, the Financial committee thought it best to present the motion to freeze all spending outside of utilities, salaries and insurances (necessary expenses) for the time being. This motion was passed by the church. The expense and trial of replacing industrial a/c units has been a strain, but fortunately the Lord has provided the ability and reserves to cover the costs. But isn't that how life is when we walk with the Lord. He expects us to walk by faith and not so much by sight - after all, He has already promised to provide in His word. Our challenge is trusting in His character and not relying so much on the ways of this world. This month He has been showing me that lesson time and time again. Because in truth we do not know what will happen day to day. Yet as believers we are told not to be anxious. I have been learning to overcome my anxious mode, and as Proverbs 3:5-6 kjv says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and learn not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." To utterly abandon the outcome and trust is not mankind's natural response to things. But in belonging to Jesus, and as the hymn says, let us be "Trusting Jesus that is all." Business Meeting @ A Glance The June business meeting had... No old business New Business: Financial Committee made the motion to have a temporary freeze on spending (excluding utilities, salaries, and necessary expenses) until giving improves. Motion passed. Nominating Committee made the motion to implement a new team - Safety/Security Team. This to begin with includes: Terry H., Scott R. and Donna C. They were sought due to their background in law enforcement and security and their ability to observe. This team goes into effect July 1, 2024. Motion passed. The church clerk presented that the Stokes had joined Milton FBC by letter. AS such would the church grant their letter be moved. Terry H made the motion to grant the letter 2nd by Lois F. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned and closing prayer was given by Tim T. at 7:32pm. Announcements: Independence Day - July 4th Church Office Closed Ladies Morning Out - July 9 at 10am Deacon Meeting - July 16 at 6pm Business Meeting - July 17 at 6pm Food Pantry - July 27 from 9-11am *Men's Breakfast @ McDonald's at 8am Prayer Items: