Be Still by J. Smith Ahh, July -- Fireworks, cookouts, and ice cream -- the summer memories all commemorate our nation's birthday celebrating our Declaration of Independence. It is a day to remember the cost of liberty; our founding fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and sacred honors taking such a bold step in separating from a despotic ruler. And in the founding document we established "We (people) are endowed by our Creator with certain in alienable rights among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." These rights are given by God and no man should thwart it, but many a tyrant has tried. We as a people have learned over the year that liberty is not cheap- Too much blood has been spilt to secure liberty for all. Thus, this past July 4th was our nations' 248th birthday since the signing of that document in 1776, the basis of American Law. At Olivet, we celebrated with patriotic hymns, praising God for such goodness in establishing such a land and using it over the years for good causes. However, at this time, we have strayed from HIm, and therefore, Bro. Chip's sermon was titled "Defeating Canaanite Culture." The Sunday following the Fourth was Olivet's quarterly communion service and remembering what our Savior went through for us. Also, during July, Olivet has had 3 new members join. So, it has been a busy season. Nationally, this July has been historic in the United States - not just for our 248th birthday, but regarding our national political landscape. July 13 former President Trump was shot at and spared. Then Sunday, July 21, it was announced that President Biden would no longer be running for a second term as President. Instead, he has passed the baton to his Vice President Harris to run. It seems a time of great upheaval, and for some it may cause anxiety and fear. But let us as believers focus not as much on the upheaval as to the One who holds all things in His hands, for it is an opportunity for Him to work - to work in the hearts and minds of people, to work in our land, to work among His church. Psalm 46:10 kjv says, " Be still and know I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen. I will be exalted among the earth." The Lord of Hosts is over all, and nothing is impossible for Him. If fact, I tend to think He likes the impossible situations just to show us how easy it is interesting Psalm 46 begins in verse 1 with saying, "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble." He is our Refuge. He is Strength. However, like anyone, I can forget and get overwhelmed by the circumstances because, let's face it, being still, calm and quiet isn't my natures's first response to things outside my control. Can you relate? It is in the moments of being overwhelmed our Heavenly Father is waiting for His children to run to Him. Thankfully, I can approach, can ask for help, and tell Him my fears. In place of these things, He gives peace. Let us as a church be in prayer seeking God's mercy and help on behalf of our nation. Business Meeting @ a Glance The June business meeting had... Old Business - None New Business - Treasurer: per a conversation with Lewis Miller. He has $5,000 in a grant for Olivet if we want it. She made the motion to take the grant. (This would provide funding for a/c in the fellowship hall. Then Sun. night and Wed. night meeting could be held there in an attempt to reduce the power bill.) Deacons agreed and made the motion being from them no 2nd was needed and the motion passed. Nominating Committee: The names for the upcoming year's list of committees was presented to the church. The changes from last year being that the children church ages have been adjusted for the time being. Tonight they were asking the church to vote on accepting the names for the committees all the way down to the prayer list. No 2nd needed. Motion passed. Bro Chip Fox presented the names for the church's approval for the new year's nominating committee. The church voted and the names were approved. Being no other business, the meeting came to an end. Motion made to adjourn by Joan K. and 2nd by Mike W. Announcements: August 4 - Happy Birthday U. S. Coast Guard! August 10 - Hobb's Middle School Prayer Walk - meet at Hobbs at 10 am and we will walk and pray around the school. August 12 - School Begins August 13 - Deacon's Meeting 6pm August 14 - Business Meeting 6pm August 20 - Ladies Morning Out - meet at Olivet for fellowship, card writing and visiting our homebound members. Prayer Items: