A Christmas Visitor by J. Smith Merry Christmas! It is that time again, and what year it has been. From the home-going of six longtime members, the retirement of Bro. Wendell, the gaining of Bro. Chip as interim, a dramatic national election and ministry evaluation of Olivet - it has been a busy year. The Lord has been at work personally in the lives of His people as well as in His church. Olivet has evaluated more areas of outreach and has approved of a new motto to help focus their endeavors: Relating, Reaching and Raising People to Jesus. Since December has arrived so has the Christmas spirit at Olivet. The members have encouraged one another with Christmas cards or prayed for each other's needs. But with the festivities of the season it can be easy to be caught up in the gift giving, the baking, the checklists that we miss the One whose birthday it belongs to. In my family, over the years, we've celebrated Christmas day with a birthday cake for Jesus. And this year, my mom hung an extra stocking for Jesus. These reminders bring to mind a story by Leo Tolstoy - "Where Love is, God is" (1885). In this story a widower shoemaker in his town of yesteryear had in his quiet evenings spent more time reading his Bible. One night the Lord roused him from sleep (much like young Samuel in I Samuel). The man heard the Lord tell him the next day He would visit. This excited the shoemaker, so he was ready for his guest and kept a look out. All he saw were common folk of the town - the street cleaner - he invited in to warm himself; a young mother who was impoverished - he fed and gave a heavier coat; and an apple peddler and young boy trying to steal an apple. The shoemaker had to intervene reminding them of Christ and the need to make amends and forgive each other. When the shoemaker's day was done, he felt he must have missed his prestigious guest. Then the Lord spoke to him again bringing to mind the folks he had helped. And in doing so, he reminded the shoemaker that in helping the least of these, he had waited on his Lord. Matthew 25:40 kjv - "Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Jesus came, was born in a stable to be accessible for us all. He died a criminal's death in our place paying for our sins against God. He rose again because His atonement was received on our behalf. May you too know forgiveness, provision and warmth in Christ our Savior and know HIm more daily. Merry Christmas! Business Meeting @ a Glance The November business meeting had... Old Business - none New Business - Motion to receive a new motto: Relating, Reaching & Raising People to Jesus. There was no opposition, and motion was approved. Being no other business, the meeting came to an end. Motion made to adjourn by Joan K. and 2nd made by Irene T. Meeting came to a close 7:10pm Announcements Happy New Years - Jan 1 - Church Office Closed - No Prayer Meeting Men's Breakfast every Tuesday at McDonalds at 8am Deacon's Meeting - Jan. 14, 6pm Business Meeting - Jan. 15, 6pm Ladies Morning Out - Jan. 21, 10:30am Food Pantry Prep - Jan. 23 9:30am Food Pantry Distribution - Jan. 25 9-11am Prayer Needs: *God would lead and direct Olivet during this time of transition.
*Israel and IDF - God's protection and victory over their enemies. *US Military in the Middle East *God's Mercy on the USA *Jan. 20 - Presidential Inauguration Day *Bro. Wendell Stokes - leg