Time Marches Onward by J. Smith This month much has occurred and is still occurring at Olivet Baptist. To begin March, a charter member, Mrs. Sadie Jarvis, was summoned home to be with her Savior. Her funeral was held March 7 at the Lewis Funeral Home in Milton. Following that week was the Daylight Savings Time change. And, as it had been voted on last fall, the evening services are to continue to meet at 6pm and will remain at 6pm no matter the time of year. (This is in hopes of making evening services available to those who have to work until 5pm.) On the business meeting of March 13, the personnel committee announced names selected for the pulpit search committee. These names were presented to the church body and accepted. Sunday, March 17, Bro. Wendell was asked to baptize two new members. (And after a struggle of getting the water to look rust-free, the water was clear for the service.) And still upcoming is Palm Sunday, which will also have Bro. Wendell and Ms. Brenda Stokes’ farewell luncheon in the Fellowship Hall to celebrate his retirement, and to acknowledge and appreciate his help and efforts in guiding Olivet as Pastor. March 31 this year is Easter. Olivet will have Sunday School and morning worship at the usual time. There will be no evening worship in order to give folks time with their families. And also, with Easter, it will be Bro. Wendell’s last Sunday as Olivet’s Pastor. Please be prayer that the Lord will direct and guide our search committee to the man the Lord has selected to lead Olivet in the its next chapter. With Olivet’s next chapter – Time ever marches onward. Onward to the day Jesus will rule and reign on earth. That is a day worth marching toward and looking forward to as the days pass fleetingly. Happy Easter. Business Meeting @ a Glance The March business meeting had… Nominating: Because of the Stokes resignation and temporary departure, Brenda Stokes will need to be replaced in the Youth class. Sally Wentz has accepted the position. Church voted to receive Sally Wentz and new co-teacher for the Youth class. Motion passed unopposed. Old Business – None New Business – Bruce Furlow, individually, presented a motion for the financial committee establish a budget line item for the benevolence ministry for Olivet Baptist Church. After much discussion, the motion was voted on and approved with several opposing. Personnel Committee – Tim Tucker presented names for the new Pastor Search Committee. Motion to receive names passed with no opposition Being no other business, the meeting came to an end. Motion made to adjourn by Jerrell Torrance and 2nd by Shirley Pierce. Bro. Wendell Stokes closed in Prayer at 6:33pm Announcements: Deacon Meeting: Apr. 16, 6pm Business Meeting: Apr. 17, 6pm Food Pantry: Apr 27, 9-11am Prayer Needs: *Olivet would select God’s next leader for the church.
*Israel and IDF – God’s protection and victory over their enemies. *US Military in the Middle East *God’s Mercy on the USA