What a Privilege by J. Smith Here we are at the end of another month. September has gone by just as quickly as the rest of the year, has it not? However, after surviving the oppressively hot months of July and August, I think fall is beginning to arrive, if this morning is any proof - it was in the 60s - a blessed relief. I was able to drive to Bagdad Mill Park yesterday and then walk from my car to the dock without even perspiring. Having once lived on the Blackwater, I miss the sense of the wilderness at my back door. When I was out along the water with the open expanse of sky above and water lapping the shore, I could feel less hurried and found it easier to be still and talk with my Heavenly Father. This past Monday, I was able, for a few minutes, to do so again, and the Lord greeted me with a cheerful northerly breeze in the afternoon sunshine. Since moving off the river, I find it more difficult to have that space to be alone and still as the phones chirping or family ties can demand attention. I am not complaining, but I am mindful of priorities. For me, I find it a necessity to start my days with my Lord. I prefer before the house is up and running, and before I'm off to the races of work or getting chores and errands done, I need to speak to Him. I need to slow down enough to meditate on what He wants to show me from His word. Slowing down my thought process takes some effort as we live in a world that believes in instant gratification and short-term attention spans. (I mean, why else do commercials change their images every 2 seconds?) But in slowing down to listen to the Holy Spirit's instruction, I can have peace. Peace that I am in the family of God. Peace, that I am confessed and rightly relating to my Lord. Peace, that the God of the Universe condescends to me and wants to show me His heart, His doings, His workings and even when I'm distressed , His tenderness and encouragement. What a privilege, is it not? Business Meeting @ a Glance The September business meeting held on Sept. 13, 2023, after the monthly reports were given, had no old business and no new business to conduct. The church clerk announced that a member requested to transfer their letter to a sister church. Olivet voted and the letter was granted. With no other business needing to be addressed, the business meeting came to a close. Announcements: Food Pantry - October 28 from 9-11am - first come first served.
Deacon Meeting - October 10 at 6pm. The Deacons gather to pray over the church members. Business Meeting - October 11 at 6pm The Tract Challenge - Oct 31 known to the world as Halloween. Do you have Tracts to give the gospel to the trick or treaters coming to knock on your door? Check with LivingWaters.com they have a wide variety of tracts for any occasion.
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