A Memorable Month by J. Smith The month of October has been an interesting and historic one on a global scale. With the nightmarish attack on Israel on Oct. 7, which united their nation and has rallied the CIVILIZED world to Israel’s side, warfare has taken hold. Israel is once again fighting for its right to exist. And, they will continue to exist for God Almighty keeps His promises, and He is not finished with them. It is the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants. So, all those who fight against Israel will also be fighting the LORD God whose land it is, and whose people to whom they belong. They may not know their Messiah as Jesus Christ now, but one day soon, I believe, they will. Pray for Israel and that the Lord will save and accomplish His purpose. In US history, another historic event was the ousting of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. At this point it is done and be in prayer for God to place His man in the position as there is as much spiritual warfare taking place in Washington DC as there is in Israel. Like Bro Wendell has been teaching from Ephesians 6 –“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor for God, that ye may be able to stand in the evil day and having done ALL to STAND. (Ephesians 6:12-13 KJV.) And one ploy of satan’s camp is divisiveness – you see it everywhere today. Divisiveness has been used against our nation since its inception, but there were godly men and women seeking God and standing against evil that right prevailed even if evil still lurked in corners. However, in today’s world I wonder if right will still prevail? This is why as a people of God we need to be interceding for our nation, our leaders: Federal, State and Local. The last thing about October at Olivet is our Tract Challenge. On Halloween, Oct. 31, the world comes knocking at your door for Tricks or Treats. Here at Olivet we encourage you to be ready with kid friendly tracts that give the BEST treat in the world – the good news of Jesus and how to spend eternity with him and escape the horrors of hell and the Lake of Fire. So, don’t just have candy which is only a temporary treat, give a treat the lasts long after the sugar highs have crashed – give them Jesus. Business Meeting @ a Glance The October business meeting had the Deacons making the motion to keep evening services from changing back to 5pm when daylight savings ended. (In other words, to keep the evening services at 6pm year round.) As this was presented by the Deacon body, no second was needed and the motion passed. No Old Business was presented. No New Business was presented. The church clerk had nothing to report. As no other business was to be conducted the business meeting came to a close. Announcements: FOOD PANTRY : Nov. 18 - 9-11 Am - first come first served
DEACON MEETING: Nov. 14 at 6pm BUSINESS MEETING: Nov. 15 at 6pm November 11 - Veterans' Day - Thank You for Serving! November 22-23 - Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving HAPPY THANKSGIVING! November 16 - Olivet will have it's first Hanging of the Green service at 6pm.